OSHA Vaccine/Testing ETS Now in Effect
The OSHA Vaccine/Testing Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) is now in effect following the decision by the 6th Circuit Court to lift the injunction blocking implementation on December 17. Following an immediate appeal of the decision by the 6th Circuit Court to reinstate the ETS, the Supreme Court has decided to take the case and will hear oral arguments regarding the ETS on January 7 with a decision likely to follow during the week of January 10. There is no way
Update on the OSHA Vaccine/Testing ETS
On Friday, November 5, 2021, Federal OSHA published a new Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) related to Covid-19. The ETS included several new requirements for all applicable employers in Federal OSHA states. For the facilities in states with state-operated OSHA programs, the state program would be legally required to adopt the Federal standard or an equivalent that is “at least as effective” as the Federal standard within 30 days of the publishing date. The Federal ETS included two significant deadlines for
Hazard Assessment – Ways to Complete and Benefits of the Process
Do you know what hazards are present in your facility? More importantly, do you know what controls are in place to mitigate those hazards? Identifying workplace hazards is a critical step in developing a comprehensive safety and health program. A hazard assessment is a simple document that lists the potential hazards of a specific task. The hazard assessment may also identify any established controls pertaining to the specific hazards. Listing the controls may assist in monitoring the effectiveness of reducing
Key Methods to Prevent Loss by Preparing for Fire-Related Emergencies
Receiving a call in the middle of the night about an emergency at your facility is unnerving. Thoughts race through your head as to what the emergency could be. The most detailed written plans, employee training, fire protection systems, and fire prevention methods cannot eliminate the risk of industrial fires. However, they can significantly reduce your risk of monumental losses if a fire breaks out in your workplace. This is why preparing your business to respond to a fire and
OSHA’s Fatal Four– A Step Towards the Prevention of Serious Injuries and Fatalities
The need to focus on the prevention of the most tragic of injuries, life-changing injuries and fatalities, has become clear. Although non-fatal injury rates continue to decrease, the rate of occupational fatalities has flat-lined over the past 10 years and the actual number of fatalities has increased over the past five years. Current fatality rates cite at 3.5 fatalities per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers. This equates to approximately 12-14 fatal occupational injuries every day on the job. Over the past
What You Need to Know About the Texas Stormwater Permit Renewal
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has issued the new Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) TXR050000 for industrial facilities, effective August 14, 2021. This permit applies to a broad range of industrial sectors and includes most manufacturing facilities. Facilities with an existing permit must apply to renew their coverage within 90 days of the new permit’s effective date (November 12, 2021). The renewal process also requires facilities to update their Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the new requirements of
Active Shooter in the Workplace
It may be an uncomfortable topic to address, but the reality is that severe workplace violence incidents can happen at any time, in any facility. Having a plan and preparing employees for this real-life nightmare could quite literally be the difference between life and death. While somewhat rare in a broader sense, workplace shootings have been seemingly on the rise in 2021. This type of event occurs when an employee enters his or her workplace with the sole intent of
OSHA Inspections – The General Duty Clause
While you may be familiar with OSHA inspections that result in violations of 29 CFR 1910, 1926, 1904, etc., have you experienced a citation that references the General Duty Clause? Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act of 1970 is commonly known as the General Duty Clause. It states, in part: “(a) Each employer — (1) shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are
DOT HazMat – Understanding Training Needs in Manufacturing
Transporting hazardous materials requires care, attention, and specific training certified by the Department of Transportation (DOT). It’s essential that employers understand what qualifies as a hazardous material and what this means for their employee training requirements. Am I a Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Employer? If you are unsure whether your business is classified as such, you may be putting the public and environment at risk. What’s more, you could be exposing your business to significant fines. Hazardous materials employers
Temporary Workers – Preparing Your Company When Bringing in Additional Help
Hiring temporary workers has increased more than ever in today’s work environment. This can create many opportunities for staffing agencies and host employers looking to hire workers in the future. Is your company prepared to work with staffing agencies? Do you have the correct information in place when hiring a temporary employee? When a temporary employee gets hired at your company, do you know what you need to provide and what the staffing agency provides? These are just a few
Injury Management 101
Injury management is an important part of any facility’s safety management program. Facilities should have a plan to prevent injuries from happening, as well as a plan to handle the effects of an injury on the facility and employee. Injury Management can be broken down into three portions: (1) Ways to prevent injuries from occurring, (2) mitigating the effects of an injury on the business, and (3) returning the employee to work as soon as possible. When a facility implements
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs): Keeping Your Plan Compliant
If your facility performs industrial activities outside or has outdoor storage, there is a good possibility that you are applicable to general industrial stormwater permitting. Whether you are familiar with the requirements of your industrial stormwater permit or are looking to apply for permit coverage for the first time, all general industrial stormwater permittees are required to develop a stormwater pollution prevention plan, or SWPPP as it is commonly known. This plan outlines important details about your facility and how