When OSHA and EPA regulations began to expand in the 1980s, industrial and manufacturing companies needed a better way to address compliance requirements. As business owners themselves, the founders of U.S. Compliance understood the challenges facing this market and the service model required to meet their needs:
- Offer customized OSHA compliance and environmental compliance services.
- Include regular on-site visits, supported remotely by an elite team of EHS of professionals.
- Do it all for a predictable flat monthly fee, not hourly rates.
- Provide site-specific OSHA and environmental trainings by EHS professionals who know your operation and not just the regulations.
The result was “Compliance as a Service” (CaaS), a revolutionary model to offer OSHA and EPA compliance consulting services perfectly designed for growing industrial companies.
U.S. Compliance is the inventor of CaaS and the only firm built to deliver it. By offering comprehensive, customized EHS compliance services, we not only help you attain but importantly sustain EHS compliance. We help you care for your people, protect your environment and grow your company.
A better world through strong, healthy industrial communities.
To make it easier for companies to care for their employees, protect the environment and grow their business.
CARE: We have a caring attitude that drives a culture of respect, a willingness to help, and a passion to make a difference.
PROTECT: We hold ourselves to a high standard of integrity, protecting the best interest of our clients, people, and partners.
GROW: We have a growth mindset as we push to improve and strengthen ourselves, our company, and our relationships through a commitment to excellence.
You succeed based on the environments you create.
The healthier they are, the more everybody thrives.
That’s why EHS compliance is so critical.
Not just to keep regulators happy.
But because we all want safe workplaces and clean working environments.
We all want good jobs and successful manufacturing economies.
And we all want to live in vibrant communities.
But creating a thriving environment isn’t always easy.
In fact, a lot of people seem bent on making it as hard—and as expensive—as possible.
Not us.
We invented a whole new model to achieve it.
One that raises the bar while lowering the barriers.
That positions us as part of the solution, not the problem.
And that makes us extensions of our clients’ teams, and members of their family.
Our model is the best-kept secret in compliance.
But now it’s time to share what we invented over 30 years ago.
And shout it from the rooftops:
We’re U.S. Compliance.
And we free you to do your best work.
To care for your people.
To protect your environment.
And to grow your company.

"U.S. Compliance is like having 10 employees without having to have something for them to do 40 hours a week. It takes the guesswork out of what regulations we’re subject to and how to implement the training and recordkeeping we’ll need for them."
Melanie Cunningham, Titanium Finishing